Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Eduardo Henrique de Oliveira Cuco
Título: Sistema de Controle de Indicadores de Desempenho Voltado à Disponibilidade de Serviços de TI Baseado na Biblioteca ITIL V3
This work shows the development of an application for performance indicators control based on metrics provided by the Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL). Today is indispensable that the area of Information Technology (IT) shows clear and readable results. This demonstration allows directors to measure whether IT team is performing correctly their role, and also allow assess whether the suppliers are delivering correctly their services. The Key Performance Indicators (KPI) are the best way to visualize the performance of the enterprise areas. The analysis of these indicators helps the directors to take decisions related to improvement of several enterprise areas. The ITIL provides a lot of indicators related to availability management of IT services. To transform the metrics provided by the ITIL in indicators, was made a study about the creation and maintaining of performance indicators. Thus mixing these areas was possible the development of an application to control of indicators linked to the IT services availability.