Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Jean Ricardo Otto
Título: Sistema de Gestão de Conteúdo e Capital Intelectual
This paper proposes to develop an information management system. knowledge and technical contents with the purpose of helping to organize and disseminate the resulting in the improvement of the achievement for the trials of business from some the individuals of an organization. This system was applied like pilot project in the sectors of development and service to clients of a software development company in the city of Blumenau – SC. The results turneded out, with agility and efficacy in the execution of the trials from business of the company that are related to seeks of knowledge and explanation of doubts of the staffs. The improvements in the control of them goes over again of the knowledge by the staffs to improve their skills. Control of the knowledge assimilated and better qualification of the staffs for attend the demands of the market. It is concluded with this work that the developed system took care from requirements of the sectors in the company where it was used in relation to the management and rise of the intellectual capital bringing competitive advantages for the company.