Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Leandro Luiz Branco
Título: Gestão do Conhecimento Aplicado a Área de Vendas
The personal knowledge inside company has been recognized as an important asset, and organizations are getting worried and investing on its management. Knowledge sharing is getting essential part of Knowledge Management. This actual work proposes to develop a system to deploy a Knowledge Management project in a corporate environment aiming preserve the knowledge and integrate the information inside the organizations. The result model of this research proof through practice application, how introduce the Knowledge Management to propose forms to identify critical process of business, acquire knowledge of specialists, disposability and disseminig the contents of the knowledge acquired. The propose model unify ideas of Knowledge Management, Knowledge Engineering, Competitive Intelligence, Organizational Memory, Intellectual Capital and process modeling for knowledge acquire. This model is applied in pilot project in sales department in big company of yarns sector located in Itajaí valley.