Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Jussara Vieira Ramos
Título: Protótipo Simulador de um Aspirador de Pó, Utilizando Algoritmo de Busca e Agentes Inteligentes, em Ambientes com Barreiras
This work describes a prototype of an auto simulator of vacuum clear robot for divers emvironment with barriers utilizing technics artificial intelligence for the problem solution. The simulator is consistuted of an inteligent agent compound of two layers, one active and other reactive. The active layer, consist of an intelligent system rotiner and congnitive, responsible for the execution of its basic procedure: to aspirate dust of all environment possible. The reactive layer, posses the hability to foresee and to avoid possible accidents, exactly for been the environment dinamic and adverse. The reactive layer, is composed of four sensors, placed in the vaccum clear, responsible for obtain datum of the environment, repassing to the simulater than defines the direction of the vaccum clear and, when necessary, utilizes the technic of algoritm search to choose the best route for a new position to aspire, this responsibility is part of the active layer.