Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Jean Geard Hagen
Título: Protótipo de Software para Inserção de Publicidade Virtual em Vídeos de Jogos de Futebol
This work presents the development of an archetype of software for automatic calibration of cameras in videos of soccer games. The method used for attainment of the parameters for calibration of cameras consists of discovering the lines that represent the delimitations of the field of soccer as well as of the great e of the small area, of automatic form. One technique for classification of the lines for correlacionamento with a virtual model of soccer field is presented. With this, one expects to be possible to reproduce the done perspective projection for the camera when capturing the images of the game, of form to allow the insertion of new images in the video with the same transformation of projection of the camera or even though to reconstitute parts of the video that do not appear, more than of this form they are passíveis to be deduced. The archetype was implemented in the Java language.