Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Alexandre Frederico Thurow
Título: FALA CHEFE! uma aplicação para prestadores e solicitantes de serviço
This work presents the information gathering, specification, development and operationality of
a collaborative application for service providers and requesters, known as FalaChefe. The main
objective of the work is to develop a web application and Progressive Web Application (PWA)
to approximate service providers and requesters for the provision of services. The application
was developed using the client-server architecture. At the client layer, the React framework was
used to implement the interfaces, as well as the Javascript programming language, Cascading
Style Sheets (CSS), HyperText Markup Language (HTML) in conjunction with the MaterialUI
visual component library, which applies the Material Design usability and User Experience
(UX) concepts. At the server layer, the NodeJs platform was used in conjunction with the
MongoDB Atlas database service that uses the Not Only Structured Query Language (NoSQL)
model. The information gathering was carried out through a search in the literature on the
provision of services and uberization, collaborative systems and finally, usability and user
experience. In order to confirm that the objectives have been achieved, was applied an user
experience and communicability survey, relating the 3C Model (M3C) of Collaboration with
the functionalities of the application through the method Relationship of M3C with User
Requirements and Usability and Communicability Assessment in groupware (RURUCAg). The
survey was performed by twenty-eight users, where it was possible to verify by the results that
the objectives of the work were achieved and areas for improvement and extensions.