Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Carlos Alberto Curbani
Título: RECRUTA-IA: aplicação para análise de currículos para vagas utilizando raciocínio baseado em casos
This project presents a Web application to assist the Human Resources professional in the process of recruiting and of selecting new employees. The application enables the registration of open positions and candidates available for hiring, informing their professional experiences, training, address, among other data, in addition to the candidate's search of information in their Linkedin profile. In decision-making for recruitment, the application assists the Human Resources professional by performing a similarity calculation between available positions and candidates using artificial intelligence techniques to return candidates who most closely resemble the job attributes. In the development of the user interface, we used the framework Primefaces, together with HTML5, JavaScript and JSF for page authoring, using Jquery to communicate with the Linkedin API. On the server side was used the Java language and the TomCat 8 server, along with the MySQL database to save the data. The calculation of similarity was developed using case-based reasoning techniques, using vacancies and candidates previously linked, taking advantage of the knowledge used in previous solutions to solve the current available vacancy. As a result, we obtained a web application to streamline the recruitment and selection of candidates carried out by the Human Resources professional