Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Frank Regis Coelho Ribeiro
Título: SGOTI: sistema para gestão da operação de TI
This paper presents an applied system for IT operation management for the company Blumenau Iluminação, containing functionalities such as contract management, project management, checklist panel, activities calendar, among others. The system’s goal (SGOTI) is to support the Blumenau Iluminação’s IT manager in the management of the administrative and operational information of the area. The system was developed using Softwell’s Maker 3.8, which has as main characteristic the visual and fast development. This paper was successful in meeting the requirements and objectives proposed. In general, the development met the Blumenau Iluminação’s IT manager support needs in the administrative controls of the firm’s IT operation, making it possible to optimize the processes with the usage of the SGOTI.