Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Camila Viviani Martins
Título: Ferramenta de auxílio acadêmico utilizando chatterbot
This monograph presents the development of a chatterbot for academic assistance, which is able to maintain a conversation in Portuguese language, answering or asking questions about a basic education text on the knowledge area of Geography. From the text previously entered by the student, the application generates questions and answers that are written in an Artificial Intelligence Markup Language (AIML) knowledge base. To do so, the parser is used to perform the morphological analysis and to obtain the semantic roles of each word in each sentence that composes the text. Seven semantic roles identified by the parser Palavras were treated, among them agent, localization and extension, in sentences composed by subject, verb and predicate. The main point for generating the questions is the semantic role, from which it is possible to define the interrogative pronoun or adverb, such as who, when, how much, what and where, that should be used to elaborate the question. In addition, adjustments are made to allow verbal conjugation in certain cases and to create more concise questions. The proposed work reached the objectives listed, with limitations due to the complexity of the Portuguese language, and it is relevant as a natural language processing tool, as well as an auxiliary application for the teaching-learning process.