Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Kevin Eduard Piske
Título: VisEdu - Aquário Virtual: simulador de ecossistema utilizando animação comportamental
This paper presents the development of a marine aquarium ecosystem simulator that aims to assist the study of biological concepts. Its development involves the extension of a game engine and a reasoning module. The extended game engine has been implemented with the Javascript language, with the HTML5 canvas element and the graphics library ThreeJS; the reasoning module is an application that uses artificial intelligence techniques to perform the reasoning. To implement the reasoning module has been decided to use Jason interpreter for development of agents under the BDI model, using the AgentSpeak language. During the implementation of this work, the game engine proved to be a tool that can provide the necessary basis for the development of the simulation environment. Jason interpreter is efficient in creation of mental models that provide behavioral animations to virtual simulation beings. The ecosystem of a marine aquarium proved to be a great environment for the generation of behavioral animation, allowing a wide range of possibilities. Was implemented the behaviors explore, flee, pursue and eat, also allows the change of the properties for the virtual world, aquarium and fishes. The application also allows viewing of behaviors attributed by reasoning module and displays a secondary camera representing the fish’s view. In the comparative analysis of used browsers, Chrome, Firefox and Opera showed good performance and stability in the simulation run.