Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): André Gustavo Bauler
Título: Sistema de Controle para Empresa Prestadora de Serviço Utilizando Envio/Recebimento de SMS
Taking into consideration the companies need for constant innovation in order to attract customers, this study aims to present a service manager order control system to the Taigus Eletrônica company. With this tool the client can check, approve or disapprove budgets and receive notices about his Service Work Order (SWO) through Short Message Service (SMS). The system is divided in two modules, the SWO control module and the SMS module. Thus, it is possible to send and receive SMS directly from the computer through 3G modem without any dependence on the Internet. As a result, we have a system that allows a greater control by the company, which can generate reports and monitor the entire SWO life cycle and all material involved, as well as a new channel of communication with the client through SMS.