Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Tiago Piske
Título: Reconstrutor de Modelos 3D utilizando Técnicas de Nível de Detalhamento
The present work details the research and development of a tool capable of applying level of
detail techniques in a 3D model in the Quake 2´s Models (MD2) file format. The purpose is to
reduce the polygon mesh of the 3D model to increase this models performance in the Mobile
3D Game Engine (M3GE), 3D games engine to cell phones. Some questions are discussed
such as the MD2 model characteristics, its reading and writing, as well as texture, normal
vectors and polygon mesh. Techniques of simplifying by collapsing minimum cost edges are
used, basing on the size of the edge and on the coplanarity among the polygon mesh triangles.
The available tool allowed the models simplification up to 60% of the number of nodes,
keeping the models geometry and main characteristics in some levels of the observers