Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Thiago Rafael Zimmermann
Título: Desenvolvimento de um Sistema de Apoio à Decisão Baseado em Business Intelligence
This work has for objective to develop a system to assist the taking of decisions of executives in the companies. The generated system is based on a System of Support to the Decision that uses the concepts of Business Intelligence for the generation and manipulation of the information. The reports are generated through the extraction of the data in the data base, where these are selected in accordance with the necessity of the decision taking for the executive. The generated data are processed and visualized in graphical or literal form, being able to serve of subsidy for the decision taking. To generate such information use the decision cube an component of the Delphi language. The generated result is a mirror of what he was requested for the executive and focused in the problem mentally visualized by himself. The information can signal the solution or prevention of problems as pointing opportunity to the company.