Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Luciana Schimitt
Título: Desenvolvimento de um Sistema de Informações para Seleção de Pessoal com Base na Cognição
The tecnic habilities for itself, aren’t enough for the market performance nowadays. The employer have been searched for something else, a natural hability wich shows out the applicant between a great crowd of people that searchs for a job every day. The professionals are charged more and more for leadership matters, work in staff, criativity and several other qualities that helps the employee desenvolve certain performance with excellence. In front of this new reality, it fits for the department responsable for the recruitment of the organizations to fit in, trying to find these abilities on the applicants even before their interviews along with the needed section. The main aim of this closure task is the research and the development of an infomation system to select the applicants based on the cognition. The lack of needed characteristics for the good performance activity, on computing area hirings, it’s what motivated the research of cognition in a way to soothe the need on the recruitment and selection. The system was desenvolved using PHP and MySQL. The model offered the join information systems concepts, cognition, perception, recruitment, selection and humans recourses. With the join of these work tools, it hopes to introduce for the organizations , professionals with specifics characteristics and adequated for the job.