Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Sílvia Hêdla Correia de Sales
Título: Animação de uma Marionete Virtual, a partir de um Sistema Óptico de Captura de Movimento Humano, sem Utilização de Marcações Especiais
This work presents concepts for the localization and animation of human body parts in virtual personages from optical motion capture of the human movement without special markings on the actor body. It also describes the implementation of a software prototype that uses computational geometry for localization of the parts that compose the human body in a video file, that contains an actor in movement and in sequence its animation. The work has the objective of analyze the video archive and extract the actor\'s movement, using the technique of scene background removal. For this, the position of the camera and the scene must be static. The extracted area is segmented for obtainment of the 2D localization of the main human body parts that consists in head, hands and feet. For the esteem of the localization of the main parts it was used computational geometry, since the actor does not possess special markings. After that a treatment is made in the data with the objective to acquire a more realistic movement of the marionette and finally the movements of the actor are reconstructed in a virtual marionette with the esteem of the 2D localization of the encountered parts.