Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Marcello Ribeiro Trovão Fraiz
Título: Protótipo de um Sistema de Comércio Eletrônico para Livraria Virtual Utilizando Agentes Inteligentes
This work has for objective to use the technique of Intelligent Agents in a prototype of a System of Electronic Trade for Virtual Bookstore, turning it capable to store the customer's preferences, offering to him the products and services that users prefers, or that he needs, informing the customer of innovations that you can interest him. The application intends to help the user to select books, with your personal preferences. The agents found in this system they use filtration. In the analysis of the model some were used stages of the methodology guided to objects - UML, and for the implementation the programming tool Active Server Pages was used - ASP and the programming language Java.