Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Lucas Vanelli dos Santos
Título:  CAMISA10: aplicativo colaborativo para gerenciamento de patotas 
This work presents the collection of information, specification, development and operability
of a collaborative application for managing patota groups, called Camisa10. The main
objective of the work is to develop a mobile application that allows the creation and
management of patota groups in a collaborative way, which allows people to collaborate with
each other. Collaboration can be integrated by Model 3, cooperation that is by the pillars of
Communication, and cooperation, as well as by the cooperation mechanism. Communication
is present in conversations via chat, without rating the improvements available, in the
presentation of the local game through a map, without sharing the invitation to games through
social network and in the visualization of notifications and payments made. Cooperation can
be seen when users assign grades to the participants of the patota, perform both the check in
and the drawing of teams. Coordination is carried out through confirmation of payment and
management of participants who are excluded from the group. In the development of the
front-end of the application, the Flutter framework was used, the concepts of Material Design
for the creation of the interface and the programming language used was Dart. In the backend, the server functions were implemented on the Firebase platform, using the Firebase
Authentication service to administer user accounts and Firebase Firestore Database to use a
Not Only Structured Query Language (NoSQL) database. The map visualization functions
were implemented through the Application Programming Interfaces (API) provided by the
Google Maps API in the Flutter framework. The collection of information was done through
searches in the literature on applications of sport groups. In addition, to confirm whether the
objectives were achieved and to analyze and evaluate the usability, communicability and
experience of the developed interfaces and their functionalities, the Relationship of M3C with
User Requirements and Usability and Communicability Assessment in groupware
(RURUCAg) Method was used. With the results achieved through the evaluation, it was
possible to identify that the objectives of the work were achieved, in addition to identifying
points for improvement and extensions.