Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Diego Arndt
Título:  TIMPSON: aplicação web responsiva para conscientizar crianças sobre a importância de uma alimentação saudável 
This work presents the information gathering, specification, development and operation of a
responsive web application developed to teach children about the importance of food, through
serious games and custom activities. The application can be used on computers and on any other
modern mobile device, being it entitled as Timpson – Your healthy little friend. The main goal
of this project was to develop a web application to assist teachers in the purpose of teaching
their students, how important it is to eat healthy, creating on them good habits from the early
ages. In the application development, the Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) programming language
was used on the back-end, in addition to the MySQL database for persistence. The front-end
took advantage of the Bootstrap framework, along with basic web technologies, HyperText
Markup Language (HTML), Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and JavaScript, which was replaced
by the jQuery library, ending up contributing to a significant reduction in the amount of written
codes. Another very interesting point was the use of some Amazon services, responsible for
hosting the application and storing data in the cloud. In addition, the application received a
personalized domain, leveraging its name in search engines like Google. The survey of
information was carried out through a search in the literature on learning using technology,
gamification, as well as friendly interfaces and usability. To validate and evaluate the developed
application, a research was carried out with some elementary school teachers, using the
Relationship of M3C with User Requirements and Usability and Communicability Assessment
in groupware (RURUCAg) method. In this way, after analyzing the responses of the
pedagogical teachers’ research, it was possible to ensure that this project accomplished the
proposed goals, as well as, to identify improvements and suggest possible extensions for the