Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Gustavo Merini Seibt
Título: ASSINÔMETRO: sistema web para controle de gastos com assinatura
This paper presents the specification, development, and operation of a collaborative system for
managing subscription expenses, called Assinômetro. The main objective of the work is to
develop a responsive web system to assist in the management of expenses with subscription
services and in saving money, through the analysis of subscriptions, which will inform if you
are paying more for a subscription compared to other people. The system was developed using
client-server architecture. At the client layer, the Angular framework was used to implement
the interfaces and the JavaScript programming languages, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and
HyperText Markup Language (HTML) was used. On the server-side, the database service
chosen was Amazon DynamoDB which uses the Not Only Structured Query Language
(NoSQL) model. The Amazon Cognito service was also used to abstract user management, as
well as authentication. The system architecture was built using the Serverless model. The
logical rules of the system were implemented through the Amazon Lambda service, which
makes it possible to write functions that are executed in the cloud through integration with the
Amazon API Gateway service, whose main function is to centralize the Application
Programming Interface (API). The survey of information and understanding of the current
system was made by searching the literature on subscription services, usability in web systems,
and, finally, collaborative systems. To confirm that the objectives were achieved as well as to
evaluate the user experience, the Relationship of M3C Method with User Requirements and
Usability and Communicability Assessment in groupware (RURUCAg) was used, which made
it possible to perform a usability and communicability evaluation, relating the 3C Model (M3C)
Collaboration with the system's functionalities. From the result of the evaluation carried out
with forty-eight users, it was found that the objectives of the work were accomplished, and the
points of improvement and extensions were identified.