Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): André Zimmermann Wruck
Título: Cachaça digital: sistema de controle de estoque e envelhecimento de cachaça
This work presents the information gathering, specifications, development and operation of
the web system developed to control the stock of cachaça, titled Cachaça Digital. The main
objective of the work is to develop a web system to manage inventory control and the aging of
cachaça production. The system was developed using the Cuba Platform tool, a rapid
application development (RAD), using the Java programming language for the backend, and
the MySQL database for persistence. The front end is also generated by the Cuba Platform
using the Vaadin framework, which uses Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) for the graphical
interface. The information gathering was done through a literature search about inventory
control and its importance, the situation of artisanal cachaça in Brazil, as well as rapid
application development. For the evaluation with the users, the Relationship of M3C Method
with User Requirements and Usability and Communicability Assessment in groupware
(RURUCAg) was applied, which models the system requirements with the Nielsen heuristics,
thus evaluating if the system achieves the objectives together with the expert users, the use
and experience of these users. In this way, it was possible to infer that the work accomplished
reached the proposed objectives, demonstrated mainly by the evaluation of the expert users,
and it was also possible to identify improvements and suggest possible extensions.