Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): André Ricardo Gielow
Título: Moveremus: uma aplicação de auxílio à tratamentos fisioterapêuticos utilizando o Microsoft Kinect
This work presents the development of an application to aid the physiotherapy treatment using the sensor Microsoft Kinect. This application allows the physiotherapist to create specific exercises for each clinic case. The patient, while performing the recorded exercise, will visualize in the application a position that him should repeat. The application shows in real time the skeleton of the patient, and in the marked joints a color according with de hit percentage of each one, the application also display guidance on how the position should be executed. After the patient’s exercise execution, both physiotherapist and patient could visualize the performance achieved in the repetition. The application was validated with a physiotherapist and your usability was tested with common users. The application has obtained a satisfaction percentage of 87%, being that 75% of the users succeed in the execution of the proposed exercises.