Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): André Filipe Wippel
Título: Tagarela: integração e melhorias no aplicativo de rede de comunicação alternativa
This work presents the development of a multiplatform application that involves the extension of an alternative communication app. The extended application was implemented through the PhoneGap tool, which uses web development resources to provide the application on the desired mobile devices. In addition to the mobile platform, the application is also available on the web platform. For the implementation, the Javascript and PHP languages have been used, in conjunction with the Materialize framework. It was also used a set of plugins that PhoneGap offers. For local storage was used WebSQL, which is a technology suggested by PhoneGap to perform this type of data persistence, but during the implementation were noted certain limitations and was identified that this technology is not supported anymore by the W3C. In general, the alternative communication application developed proved to be suitable as it allows for users to create and reuse communication boards as well as interact with these boards. The application also allows the user to register tutor or patient profiles, according to the need of the user. In the comparative analysis of GUI, the versions tested were shown to be equivalent and in the performance analysis the application also performed well, despite having some points of attention in memory consumption with the media plugin of PhoneGap.