Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Maria Gabriela Torrens
Título: Robotoy: ferramenta para uso de robótica no ensino de programação para crianças
This paper describes the specification of a programming tool developed for children, comprehending the environment of educational robotics. The Java language was used to build the development environment, GALS (Syntatical and Lexical Analyzer Generator) was used to define the developed language and the Lego Java Operating Systems (leJOS) was used to deploy the programs in the LEGO Mindstorms NXT platform. There are no restrictions in building the robot, allowing the user to build his preferred model following some rules mentioned in this paper. Currently, the tool supports the deployment of programs only in the LEGO Mindstorms NXT platform, but was developed to allow the inclusion of other platforms. Although kids were not involved during the tests, we can affirm that the language can be used by them due to its similarity with other related tool used in elementary school. However, some adaptations must be made in the visual and usability aspects, with the aim to make the tool more compelling.