Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Elvis Merten Marques
Título: Tagarela 2.0: framework de comunicação alternativa, módulo de jogos
This work is an extension of the " Aplicativo para comunicação alternativa no iOS " (Fabeni, 2012) and " Jogo de Letras/Números Voltado para a Tecnologia Assistiva no Android" (REETZ, 2013). A 2D game prototype for the iOS platform facing assistive education. The project works primarily with boards, plans and symbols. The game is to draw the numbers 0-9 on a plan that can be assembled by the user and allows you to choose the path, the predator and prey. The project also allows changing the main screen background and has an audio performing during the game. Even though it has been slow transitions between and consuming a lot of memory, the game turned out to be functional. This work is also a Jabber framework complement that is maintained by the Research Group on Computer Graphics, Image Processing and Entertainment Digital FURB.