Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Wagner Jean Reetz
Título: Jogo de Letras/Números voltado para Tecnologia Assistiva no Android
This work presents the specification and implementation of a 2D game prototype for Android platform focused on assistive technology, which explores the pedagogical/ludic aspect. In this game, the user will be able to learn how to write all the letters of the alphabet and also the numbers. Theses learning possibilities are separated by plans, which are: uppercase, lowercase and numbers. The plans, besides serving to group the boards, also served to allow the integration of the developed material with the Tagarela project. The game also enables the user to create customized plans, where the user must inform some text and the game will build the plan, based on the application standards plan's symbols. The evaluation of this work was based on qualitative tests by a teacher pedagogical support to children with special needs. In this game are also applied concepts and technics of oriented modeling to components, where the developed graphic object is independent and is capable to be coupled elsewhere in the application scenario.