Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Maicon Mueller
Título: Editor Gráfico para Sequenciamento e Navegação Scorm usando Redes de Petri
This work presents the development of a Web environment that allows the creation of online courses, to enable the access from anywhere with internet connection available. The tool has an area to creation, edition and navigation on the course which uses the graphical modeling of Petri\'s networks to model the courses. Beyond that, it also allows the storage of information in Database, upload and download of the courses, using the resources from a webservice to messages exchange. The tool was developed in Java using the GWT framework which makes use of the technologies AJAX and JSNI, enabling to write Javascript code in Java\'s source code, and, the RPC protocol does the communication between the client and the server together with the Smartgwt library to facilitate the creation of the screens.