Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Carlos Eduardo de Souza
Título: Desenvolvimento de Aplicativo Móvel Multiplataforma Integrado ao Sistema de Alerta de Cheias da Bacia do Itajaí
This work presents the development of a multiplatform application which informs on an interactive map the latest registered data by the Itajaí basin flood alert system, and allows recording adverse occurrences in an emergency situation. It consists of a client application developed in Titanium Framework SDK that deploys to Android and iOS platforms. The records of the stations are periodically captured and maintained in its own database. The occurrences are registered with the latitude and longitude information obtained through the geolocation device resource and image obtained from the gallery of digital media. The occurrences are reported in the social network Facebook and stored in its own database. During the evolution of this work, the framework is presented through concepts and use of their features.