Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Jhone Heitor Theiss
Título: Sistema Web Escolar para Reserva de Recursos Didáticos utilizando RBC
Teachers that still teach their classes in a traditional way, only using chalkboard, may be one of the reasons that lead to truancy, considering the students\'s lack of interest in attending the classes. The goal of this work is to present a tool that uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) to optimize the exploration of educational techology (resources) available at the learning institution. This tool enables teachers to schedule the use of resources by the use of a network-attached computer. The tool knows what resources are available and which one is the best choice through the Case-based reasoning (CBR) technique. The solution is given by the retrieval of similar cases, reuse, revision and retention of new cases. This four steps together are the lifecycle of the CBR process. This work was developed in PHP language and uses MySQL database. This tool suggests to the teacher the best resources available for the specific situation. As results, threre are optimization and greater benefits from the use of the institution\'s educational resources, by it\'s adequation to the actual needs.