Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): José Alberto Zimermann
Título: Ferramenta para Auxílio na Análise de Impacto e Rastreabilidade de Requisitos na Gestão de Mudanças
This work presents EA Requisite Manager, a plugin for the development ambient Eclipse. The objective is, through the Java code source mapping, enable the system developer trace, analyze the impact caused by the requirement modification and quantify the changes costs, through the AHP methodology. The mapping is provided through the import of an XML archive of a project designed e projected using the CASE tool EA. The communication between the plugin and EA is done through frameworks provided by the producer, where is possible to access various features of the tool. The insertions and search of annotations on source codes are done with the aid of an abstract syntax tree, which allows evaluation of the components of a Java source file. The importance of analysis and requirement quantification is done by applying the AHP methodology, using as criteria the number of classes, methods and use cases that are linked to the project’s requirements.