Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Ederson José
Título: Protótipo de um Sistema de Monitoração utilizando Circuito Fechado de Televisão (CFTV)
With the accentuaded growth in population and consequently the need for security surveillance, a system using closed-circuit television has become very important and in many cases essential. This work presents a system prototype that can be used for monitoring environments using a camera to capture images in order to record any movement, using as the basis TimCam (SOURCFORGE, 2003). Allied to this was added an image comparison algorithm to reach the main objective, which was to create a system prototype with a resource for saving physical space for storing images, and containing the essential functions of a commercial CCTV. Was used the Java Media Framework to capture the images and language Java for development. With the reuse of classes from TimCam, added new features, it was observed that in an environment with controlled lighting, is possible to do a monitoring with images, eliminating the images considered similar with a satisfactory rate of success, and ensuring that it only saves what is considered relative and necessary.