Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Joana Simon
Título: Desenvolvimento da Ferramenta de Ensino em Data Warehouse Aplicado na Disciplina de Tecnologia da Informação na Gestão de Negócios
With the computerization of business comes the increasing need for tools of analysis and interpretation of data from information systems. This paper presents the development of a teaching tool where technique was applied to the decision cube in order to promote contact between the academic discipline of Information Technology in Business Management of the course of Bachelor of Information Systems at the Regional University of Blumenau, with this technology. It enables the unification of data, table stand and display of data by using the decision cube, textual or graphical form, facilitating the use of stored information. The methodology was based on development in a web environment using the programming language C Sharp (C#) and technologies Asp.Net, SqlServer and Dundas OLAP Services. As a result, after the theory was presented in the classroom, by the use of teaching tool in Data Warehouse, the students demonstrated greater ease in the assimilation of the content. The tool also provided that the students would notice the importance of having tools to help in interpreting data for the management of a company.