Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Eduardo Coelho
Título: Mosaicos de Imagens Planares
This work presents the techniques used in the development of a software that creates planar image mosaics. Given multiple input images and a set of corresponding points chosen by the user, the software is capable to construct image mosaics, allowing the representation of scenes whose _eld of view are wider than the supported by traditional photographic cameras. The mosaic construction is performed in an interactive and incremental way, so that the user can _x registration errors and visualize the results as the mosaic grows, discarding the need of camera calibration methods. For the estimation of the homography that represents the local alignment among pairs of images, a bidimensional planar projective transformation was applied. The image warping is done through the inverse mapping combined with the bilinear interpolation technique. It was imposed a weighting function for the input images pixels in order to blend the mosaics images in a seamless manner.