Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Marlei Rute Gruchinski
Título: Protótipo de um Sistema Único de Identificação Pessoal Baseado em Tecnologia RFID
Identity card, Security ID Number, Driver’s licence and Voter\\\'s card. These are some documents that any citizen needs to use to be identified in any situation. That implies in be with all of them in the hands, that is, in the wallet. The present work intends the development of a personal documentation information system using RFID as an only document. In an only document, have all these information that today are in paper, and without any link. This only document is a SmartCard, that uses the Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID). This card use an identification code, and this sequencial number will be the responsible for identifying each person, in the data base will be registered all the documents and other useful information.