Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Paulo Roberto Perondi
Título: Editor Gráfico de Ruas para o Sistema de Tráfego de Automóveis em uma Malha Rodoviária Urbana: Versão 3.0
The Road Meshes Graphical Editor (EGMR) is a software with the main objective the creation and maintenance of road meshes, which has the purpose to serve as scene for the Simulator of Road Traffic developed by Freire (2004). This publisher was developed by Bertoldi (2005) and continued by Froeschlin (2006). The program offers tools for the creation, edition and maintenance of road meshes. In this work the alterations performed in the EGMR are presented, with intention to become it more agile and easy. Among the alterations, they are distinguished it rewrite of the code for the Java language, and consequently, the necessity of the use of the JoGL library. Also modifications in the format of the archive for the persistence of the mesh had been carried through, that passed to XML. Moreover, to facilitate to the drawing and maintenance of winding stretches, a tool for the drawing of curves of Bézier was included. The possibility of visualization in 3D of the created mesh was available, in order to assist the drawing of viaducts. For one better exactness in the representation of real scenes, was included also the possibility of use of an image of deep.