Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Daniel Dalcastagne
Título: Implementaçäo de uma Livraria Virtual Utilizando Agentes BDI Através da Linguagem Agentspeak(l)
This work presents a Multi-Agent System (SMA) acting on a system of virtual bookstore. The bookstore is composed by four basic agents: Agent Sales Assistant, who negotiates with the way customer similar to the real assistant of any store; Agent Delivery Manager, that organizes all aspects related to the delivery of the product to the customer; Agent Customer Relations, who is responsible for all off-line transactions; Agent Stock Manager who is responsible for the stock of books of the store. The agents\' architecture is based on cognition model based in three main mental attitudes that are the faiths, the desires and the intentions (abbreviated by BDI, of the English beliefs, desires and intentions, respectively). The general objective of the work is the development of a system with commercial characteristics using the agents\' paradigm. For specification of the system a new methodology is used for specification of Multi-Agent System denominated Prometheus. For the agents\' implementation the language is used AgentSpeak(L) through the interpreter Jason. At the end it is made an analysis of as it happened the development of the system using the resources mentioned above.