Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Tatiane Crescêncio
Título: Desenvolvimento do Sistema de Gestão da Revista de Negócios
An expectation exists where the authors every time more approve and wish that their works be published in digital media as on-line periodics. This work describes the procedures used in the elaboration of the management system applied in the Revista de Negócios (Business Magazine) at Universidade Regional de Blumenau (Furb). The system is composed by five modules, each one developed in the PHP language and the MySQL database, wich can be accessed at Internet anytime, following some default steps defined to content management systems. The first one is the administrator module, wich possibilites the administration of all magazine\'s content and generation of graphics and reports. The second module is the appraiser\'s module, that have the responsability of evaluate the articles through the system. The third module is the author\'s module, wich submits the articles and through the system he can get the evalutation results of his articles. The fourth module is the subscriber\'s module, wich receives access to all editions of the magazine and apresents an abstract of each published article. After the development the system was applied in the Business Magazine and the tests had shown as positive the implementations that were made in all modules.