Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Kelvin Jacob Warmeling
Título: Protótipo de Data Warehouse Aplicado a Companhia de Seguros de Automóveis
This work has for objective, to demonstrate Data Mart philosophy, that it can be used by a company Insurance company, aiding in the taking of decision on the price of the insurances of automobiles. For the inclusion of the technology, it will be focused its main concepts and components, a vision of the acquisition of the existent data and identification of the metadados. Parallelly a prototype will be developed for visualization and transformation of the metadados in information to aid the commercialization of Insurance of Automobiles. The philosophy Dates Warehouse, it will be presented with its divisions and the concepts that do necessary for implantação of the technology, beyond, of a study of the information that you/they are considered strategic in the companies insurance companies for analysis and taking of prices for insurance of automobiles.