Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Giovane Roslindo Kuhn
Título: Animação de um Personagem Virtual Utilizando Captura Óptica de Movimento com Marcações Especiais
This work presents the concepts for optical motion capture, using special markers on the actor body, for the animation of a 3D virtual character. It describes a prototype software that implements the stages of MoCap system, generating BVH archives that contains the animation. For this, techniques of image processing are applied, intending to segment the markers, after that, prediction techniques are applied to track the markers throughout the video. After this, an articulated model is fitted to the markers, for then the model is tracked throughout the video, then a BVH archive is generated contends the animation of virtual character. For the model tracking is suggested an innovative algorithm that uses mathematical relation between the joints of the model to calculate their positions.