Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Pietro Carlo Paladini Sobrinho
Título: Sistemas de Informação para o desenvolvimento e avaliação de sites utilizando a ISO/IEC 9126
This work objective is to develop a Transaction Processing System (TPS) to aid the sites devolopement and valuation based ond pattern of quality of product software ISO/IEC 9126. The TPS, will allow the register of sites and will provide a questionaire for valutiation to the same. According to the replies, the system will alow a report with sub-characteristcs of quality are off-pattern, allowing that user acesses suggestions to improve these sub-characteristcs. The system also will generate in form of graph a statistics of comparison between the sites valued, indicating which sub-characteristcs of quality are less or more attend in development. In the patthern analasys some stages of methodology for object-oriented, Unified Modeling Language (UML) where used and the implement used HTML, the conception of programming Active Server Pages (ASP) using Visual Basic Script and the programming language Java.