Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Geandro Luiz Compolt
Título: Sistemas de Informação Executiva Baseado em um Data Mining Utilizando a Técnica de Árvores de Decisão
This project has as main goal to create a data classification patern using Data Mining technics, more precisely decision trees. To help this task it was geared up a prototype that allows to the user definy a priority value for each attribute that will make part of the classification patern. For the prototype building were analysed the Information Systems characteristics, the Data Mining technics as well and built an imaginary database with information and conditions that turn possible the suppliers credit concession - those information will be the base that will be applied to the classification. As a result of this project development, we verifyed that the Data Mining use together with other KDD stages was very efficient. Tests were simulated and it was possible to develop classification paterns where it was put in practice the use of decision trees.