Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Marcelo Loffi
Título: Protótipo de Sistema de Controle da Utilização de Recursos para Produção Das Indústrias de Manufaturas
This paper consist on the study of PERT-CPM nets techniques, of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system, emphasizing the Production Planning/Programming module, and of Object Modeling Technique (OMT) of objects orientation development of Prototype Information System to control the production recourse utilization. The object is helping the production executive on the recourse organization and utilization, showing possible necks, generating a major security to guarantee the delivery dates of client's requests. For this, the prototype utilized the PERT-CPM nets techniques on the critic way production calculus. To elaborate the prototype was utilized the following tools and techniques: in the specification was utilized the Methodology of Objects Orientation through O.M.T.; for the data banks creation was utilized the FoxPro 2.6; and in the visual environment implementation was utilized Delphi 4.