Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Valter Luiz Alves
Título: Construção e Integração de um Protót. de Hardware/Softw. para Monitor.e Correção de Fator de Potência em uma Rede elétrica
This work has objective, main of this is to develop an of software/hardware that it monitors largenesses of an electric net through an existing measurer already in the market and has controlled the detonation of banks of capacitors for correction of the factor of power of this same electric net, through an of the hardware developed with its software. The of software developed in the PC, communicates with the measurer of electric largenesses as well as with the hardware that will go to set in motion the banks of capacitors, through a net using standard RS232 and RS485 and the Modbus protocol. As objective secondary, it will be presented a study on alternated current, factor of power, Modbus protocol, microcontrollers and serial standards RS232 and RS485.