Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Thaisa Tatiana Behrens
Título: Protótipo de um Sistema para Controle de Veículos, Utilizando Comunicação de Dados Via Rádio Frequência
This work seeks the software development prototype for control of vehicles, using communication of data through radio frequency. In many dispersed companies the world, the presence of an automobile fleet is something common. Many of these companies has a responsible department for the control of them, being most of the time this, in a primitive way. The accomplished control, a lot of times it is inexistent or it is done through guides and forms be filled out it by the responsible for the own driver. With the objective of facilitating the work of the section, and the driver's task, this proposal comes to automate this process using some technologies, as communication of data through radio frequency, as well as the identification of objects using transponders and tags.