Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Anuska Kepler Rehn
Título:  NUKI’S BRECHÓ: sistema colaborativo em um cenário de moda sustentável 
This paper contains the information gathering, researches, specification, development and application’s
developed operationality in order to have a thrift shop website developed with the purpose of having used
clothes selling through an e-commerce. This paper’s main goal is to develop the website to be collaborative,
and the main motivation to the paper is to collaborate with the slow fashion system, that apart from the fast
fashion industry, it doesn’t make slaves nor injures the environment, since the products were already
fabricated. To develop this website, the back end was made to generate authentication using token and
maintain the users and was developed in CSharp programming language using Postgres database. The front
end was developed using the Angular framework along with the NgZorro visual library, and the most
significant part of the website data is from a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) API mocked. The
information gathering to develop this paper was made by literature researches about thrift shops, pollution
and slavering caused by the fashion industry, Design Thinking and 3C Collaboration model. In order to
reach more accurate results to develop the website, a Design Thinking workshop was held and the
Relationship of M3C with User Requirements and Usability and Communicability Assessment in groupware
(RURUCAg) method was applied. The RURUCAg method was used to check if the goals were reached and
to analyze the usability, communicability and the user’s experience within the developed interfaces and its
functionalities. With the rating results reached by the evaluation results was possible to see that the paper’s
goals were reached, and it was possible to obtain future improvements for the website.