Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Diego Colin Soares
Título: CARIN: aplicação web responsiva para ambiente de ensino-aprendizagem utilizando realidade aumentada e head mounted display 
This paper presents the specification, development, and operation of a responsive web
application, entitled Carin, for teaching-learning environments with virtual reality and simple
Head Mounted Displays. The main goal of the paper is to provide an application that uses
virtual reality, allowing the teacher to create and transmit his knowledge to students in an
immersive teaching-learning environment. The application was developed using Hypertext
Preprocessor (PHP) programming language for backend, JavaScript, Cascading Style Sheets
(CSS) and HyperText Markup Language (HTML) for frontend. The A-Frame framework was
used to provide the use of virtual reality on the web and the Google Auth 2.0 Application
Programming Interface (API) was included so that users could register and have access to the
application using their Google e-mails. The service Amazon Web Services (AWS) was used
to host the application and its database in the cloud. An information survey was done through
searches in the literature referring to teaching platforms, virtual reality, and Head Mounted
Display. To validate the paper goals, an usability and developed functionalities assessment
was performed using the Relationship of M3C with User Requirements and Usability and
Communicability Assessment in groupware (RURUCAg) method. From the assessment
result, it was possible to state that the paper goals were achieved and improvement points
were taken for future extensions