Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Marcela Zanatta Koepsel
Título: Aplicativo móvel para consulta de informações do transporte público de Blumenau
This work presents the specification, development and operationalization of a collaborative mobile application thas aims to provide information about public transportation in the Blumenau city, Santa Catarina state. The information is about available bus lines, departure times, departure points and routes. The application promotes the sharing information through comments do by users about public transport lines, aiming the dissemination of knowledge in real time. The application, called BlumenBus was developed using the Ionic library on the Cordova platform, in the JavaScript programming language using the superscript TypeScript and Angular framework. The Firebase backend service was used its non-relational database and user authentication tool. The developed application was tested by two expert evaluators through a heuristic evaluation questionnaire in order to assess the degree of usability of the application.