Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Leonard William de Azevedo Pegler
Título: GOOD-BUY: um protótipo para compartilhamento de ofertas ou produtos
This work describes the development of an application that uses concepts of collaborative consumption to solve a problem of social consumption focused on the dissemination of information, aiming to support the sharing of offers, indicating to the user the best establishment to carry out their purchases. The user can choose to authenticate himself in the application through Facebook or via own register. From this, the user can register offers, monitor price promotions, create and participate in groups with interests in common, draw up a shopping list, simulate the price of this list of products to get the establishment with the best cost benefit, check the latest offers registered by users and share an offer with a specific group or directly with another application user. The application development was accomplished with Microsoft’s framework Xamarin.Forms, along with native Facebook libraries and local persistence through SQLite with the Microsoft.Azure.Mobile.Client library. Microsoft Azure was used as the server, to which a Node.js. application was hosted. Azure was also used to provide authentication services, push notifications hub and communication infrastructure. The user test results demonstrated that the application has good confidence among users, with satisfactory acceptance and performance, although there are some points to be improved in terms of appearance, usability, and initial data population.