Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Rafael Antônio Losi
The present work describes a solution to the problem of asset management using RFID tags in the 13.56 MHz frequency, and presents the integration of a low-cost reader hardware based on the Arduino Uno R3. The hardware will be responsible for the identification of the RFID tags, allowing to link this to identify a patrimonial asset and also perform the inventory of assets through this identification with the reader. A desktop interface was developed to allow the communication of the hardware with the patrimonial software to feed the information in the system through the USB interface. A Web module was also developed to allow the registration and movement of assets. To validate the project, use cases and MERs (Entity Relationship Model) diagrams were specified. The results obtained allowed the identification of patrimonial assets by RFID technology, realization of transfers through web interface and delegation of responsibility of the patrimonial inventory by department and local. In this way the initial objectives were achieved and the development with the arduino platform for construction of a hardware proved practical, fast and low cost.