Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Fernando Volpi
Título: Sistema de controle de área-azul
In this work it was developed a system that manages the rotary parking in the urban centers, known as Blue Area and Blue Zone, according to the rules currently used. The system has four components: a smartphone application for the user, which allows to regularize the parking; a smartphone application for the inspector, which allows to check if the vehicle is regularized and/or generate a notification; a web page to register and give maintenance of the inspectors and issue reports; a Web Service that centralizes applications, validates and returns informations to users and to inspectors for parking regularization. The user and inspector application prototypes have been developed for Windows Phone 8.1. To the users and to the inspectors it is necessary to use smartphones with this operating system, Internet access and location resources, being possible to validate the data entered. The system wants to replace the regularization tickets used nowadays, and uses geoprocessing techniques to ensure the rotation of the vehicles in the vacancies.