Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Felipe Darugna Fey
Título: DERMANOSTIC: um método para calcular o diâmetro e evolução de lesões cutâneas
This work introduces the development of an mobile application in Android platform with an algorithm of image processing, having the objective to perform the calculation of size and following the evolutions of skin moles over the time. The algorithm initially locates the template, segments the mole and then calculates a proportionality of one against the other, generating its measurements from pixels to millimeters. In this development was used image processing techniques such as segmentation, thresholding and contour detection. The application performs the registry of the lesions, being able to follow the analyzes and also it is possible to generate a graph that contains a variation of size on the made analyzes. The results of image processing yield a 95.8% accuracy in template and mole detection, 75% for perimeter and mole length calculations, and 42% for an area of the mole.